Case Report |
Gastric Diverticulum in an Elderly Male with Chronic Dyspepsia Kronik Dispepsili Yaşlı Erkek
Hastada İnsidental Saptanan Gastrik Divertikül Abdirahman ALASSO1 [ID], Najib WEHLIE1 [ID], Mehmet
TAHTABAŞI2 [ID], Abstract Gastric diverticula are usually asymptomatic. When symptoms surface,
they are mostly upper abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, while dyspepsia
is less common. In this case, there was determined as an incidental of
gastric diverticula that was managed by medical treatment. 70-year-old male
came to our clinic complaining chronic epigastric pain and dyspepsia, with no
known co-morbidities. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and tomography were
performed at diagnosis. Medical treatment (proton pump inhibitor) was started
and followed because the gastric diverticulum was 2 cm below. The patient is
still under follow-up and has no clinical findings. Keywords:
Gastric diverticula,
Elderly male. Özet Gastrik divertiküller genellikle
asemptomatiktir. Semptomlar ortaya çıktığında, çoğunlukla üst karın ağrısı, bulantı ve kusma
olurken, dispepsi daha az görülür. Bu olguda
da tıbbi tedavi ile yönetilen bir gastrik divertikül insidental
olarak saptanmıştır. 70 yaşında erkek
hasta bilinen bir morbiditesi olmayan kronik epigastrik ağrı ve dispepsi
şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Tanıda, özofagogastroduodenoskopi ve tomografi yapıldı. Gastrik
divertikül, 2 cm altında olduğundan
medikal tedaviye (proton pompa inhibitörü) başlandı ve takip edildi. Hasta
halen takip edilmekte ve klinik bulgusu da bulunmamaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: Gastrik divertikül, Yaşlı erkek. Figure 1. Diverticulum
seen in gastric fundus in gastroscopy. Figure 1 png Şekil
1. Gastroskopide mide fundusunda görülen
divertikül. Şekil 1 png Figure 2. Computed
tomography showed an exophytic diverticulum extending from the stomach fundus
(yellow arrow). Figure 2 png Şekil
2. Bilgisayarlı tomografide mide fundusundan
uzanan ekzofitik divertikül (sarı ok). Şekil 2 png |
DOI: 10.54584/lms.2022.6 |
Article in English |
1Department of General Surgery,
Mogadishu Somalia-Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Training and Research Hospital,
Mogadishu, Somalia. 2Department of Radiology, Mogadishu
Somalia-Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Training and Research Hospital,
Mogadishu, Somalia. |
*Corresponding author Sadettin Er; MD, Department of General
Surgery, Mogadishu Somalia-Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Training and Research
Hospital, Mogadishu, Somalia. E-mail: ersadettin74@gmail.com |
Received: 06.01.2020 Accepted: 20.01.2020 Published: 20.01.2020 |
Cite as: Alasso A, Wehlie
N, Tahtabaşı M, Er S. Incidental Gastric Diverticulum in an Elderly Male with
Chronic Dyspepsia. Life Med Sci 2022; 1(1): 30-32. |
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